Saturday, July 18, 2009

Blogging... According to Maz

So here it is, my very own blog. I'm basically creating this because I have a couple friends who have made theirs and they have inspired me. And, I feel like I accomplish nothing during the summer, so at least now I can have something to do!! I'm usually not a very creative person, like I don't express myself through painting or drawing or any kind of crap like that, and I especially don't spend time writing. But I have found lately that I feel the need to get things out of my system or just get my experiences out in words, so I figured this is a good way! But, to make this project a little bit harder, I'm going to create some rules for myself...
1) No pointless crap! I'm not going to write about what I did today, or what I ate for lunch or what I think of when I see the color purple. I'm going to write about thought-provoking stuff, or stuff that I actually care about. 
2) No short stuff! If I'm going to write something, its going to be meaty. I'm not going to waste 5 min to log on and say Hi! Had a great day today! Nope! Not going to happen.
3) Nothing my mother wouldn't want to read... Sometimes I go off and get a little scary about things. So, I'm going to try to express myself as clearly and to the point as possible. No extra adjectives needed! =D I do have strong opinions about things, but I'm realizing more and more that so do other people and as much as I support my views, bashing theirs does not help anyone. So I'm going to try to express what I'm feeling without knocking anyone else. No offending anyone else!
And that's it!! Maz's 3 rules of blogging! We'll see where that takes us next!


  1. This isnt a blog, this is you telling what youre not going to write about

  2. haha I Love it...but for those are three pretty LOONG rules, the number 30 might be more appropriate! And sheesh I was just about to go write on my blog about what I made for lunch yesterday and how I find joy colorful things like scarves. Now I think I would just feel like a fool after reading your rules! hehe

  3. I resent the fact that you think that thoughts on the color purple is not meaty. That is completely dependent on who is writing about the color purple and how it is written. Give that topic to the right person and not only do you not have pointless crap but you have a work of art.

    I am soooo excited you started a blog and I cannot wait to see what comes out of you. We all need a creative outlet. Even if all you create is noise or a knot you tie in your shoes. This is a great way to express yourself. I would like to also say that even though you have given yourself rules I would not be afraid to break them because after all that is what rules are for.

    Love ya Mandy!

  4. I'm very excited to see what you write about.

  5. ah! i've already offended people! tessa, i was just telling allison how it is my goal to not mock the heck out of everybody anymore and I've already started! sorry! i'll work on it, promise!
